Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich sparked a mini-meltdown in the media Monday with a tweet challenging the fairness of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Gingrich, who also on “The Laura Ingraham Show,” pointed to the early hires that special counsel Robert Mueller has made. “Republicans are delusional if they think the…
Donald Trump is the “main Target” in the news, but what about the people who elected him???
Can Trump supporters escape being hit if Trump goes down???
When a group of people can hinder/prevent the operations of Government by an elected official, or elected party officials, of a government they don’t like,
then the votes of people for the kind they want is “Nullified”.
In plain language, “It’s an attempt to overthrow an elected Government”.
If people want their vote to “Be counted”, then those voters will have to rally around the Officials they elected, and become a target along with that official.
I was happy to see ACT’s demonstrations against Sharia Law last week, but we need to demonstrate in favor of those, we the people, elected.
Muslims and Nazis have one thing in common, “Genocide”, of Jews and Christians”.
“Nipping the problem in the bud” has always prevented greater problems later on.
We need to “stand our ground”, Peaceable or Violent, whatever the situation requires.
Or we “WILL LOSE”.
This is NOT going to be a fair fight.